admin: DAITM

It has been observed throughout history that states have made numerous attempts to curtail freedom of speech, often sparking literary responses that challenge such restrictions. From ancient societies where dissent was met with harsh penalties to modern democracies grappling with censorship laws, the struggle for free expression has inspired writers to delve into the complexities of power, control, and resistance. Writers like George Orwell in “1984” and Ray Bradbury in “Fahrenheit 451” envisioned dystopian worlds where government censorship stifled individual voices and thought. These literary works not only warn against the dangers of authoritarianism but also highlight the enduring human desire for autonomy and self- expression.

The World Day Against Cyber Censorship is observed annually on March 12th to raise awareness about the importance of freedom of expression on the internet and to advocate against online censorship. This day serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by individuals and organizations in the digital age, where access to information and the freedom to express ideas are sometimes restricted or controlled by governments and other entities. The World Day Against Cyber Censorship was first initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in 2008. RSF is an international non-profit organization that promotes freedom of the press and advocates for journalists’ rights worldwide. The organization saw the need to address the growing concerns of online censorship, surveillance, and restrictions on freedom of expression in the digital realm. The date of March 12th was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the “Enemies of the Internet” list, which RSF publishes annually to highlight countries that engage in systematic online censorship and surveillance. The World Day Against Cyber Censorship aims to shed light on these issues and mobilize individuals, organizations, and governments to uphold and protect online freedom and expression.

Cyber Censorship has various implications; firstly, it restricts freedom of expression which often leads to to the suppression of dissenting voices, limiting individuals’ ability to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs freely. This can stifle creativity, innovation, and critical thinking in society. Secondly, Censorship can restrict access to information, particularly on topics deemed sensitive or controversial by authorities. This hinders the public’s right to know and makes it challenging to make informed decisions about important issues. Thirdly, cyber censorship can act as a threat to privacy and security as censorship and content filtering can act

as an infringement on individuals’ privacy rights and expose them to risks of data breaches and cyberattacks. This compromises cybersecurity and undermines trust in online platform. Next, this measure can also erode the democratic values of a country as governments can control and manipulate online information, which undermines democratic principles such as transparency, accountability, and the right to participate in public discourse. This weakens democratic institutions significantly. Lastly, Cyber censorship is not limited to individual countries but has a global impact as information flows across borders. It can lead to tensions between countries, affect international relations, and impede efforts for global collaboration and cooperation.

Although it is important to understand that one of the principal responsibilities of a nation-state is national security, and internet has become a powerful tool to sponsor and mobilise funds for illegal activities and terrorism. Hence a balancing act between freedom and regulation is necessary to control hate speech and disinformation. Also, major tech companies, including social media platforms and search engines, play a significant role in shaping online discourse and content distribution. There are debates about their responsibility in moderating content, addressing misinformation, and ensuring transparency in their algorithms and policies.

As internet has transcended national boundaries, new debates are emerging as how cyber censorship intersects with discussions on global internet governance. Issues such as net neutrality, data sovereignty, and cross-border information flows are part of broader debates on how to ensure a free, open, and secure internet for all users worldwide. Also, civil society organizations, human rights activists, and journalists play a crucial role in advocating against cyber censorship and defending freedom of expression. Debates focus on strategies for strengthening civil society’s voice, promoting digital literacy, and holding governments and corporations accountable for their actions related to online censorship.

-Arjun Bhattacharya Assistant Professor, Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology and Management

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