BBA in Hospital Management : A Promising Career Choice

admin: DAITM

Are you done with your 10+2 examinations and getting all confused and paranoid thinking of your career amidst the lockdown and the way the whole country is reeling under crisis because of the current Covid-19 pandemic?

Do you think that you have it in you to be a healthcare professional?

Do you want to make a career in the booming healthcare industry, apart from being a doctor and nurse?

Do you want to be enrolled in one of the best institutes and get a degree that places you in the top-notch hospitals?

If the answer to all of these questions is a “YES”, then worry no more, you are at the right place. All you need to do is to keep reading!

One good decision taken on time can make one’s career and subsequently, her or his life, just as one wrong decision can break it. The present scenario is one of unprecedented crisis on all fronts and with too many prospective career choices laid before us, it is all the more important that a decision regarding career should be taken with utmost caution.

Career choices must be made with due regard to certain aspects. They must be able to figure out the

  • Whether they are genuinely inclined towards pursuing a certain course/subject?
  • If they are, what do the learning outcomes look like?
  • How prospective is the concerned course? That is what kind of a future with regard to placement/higher studies does their chosen course offer at its end?

A student must understand the understand what exactly she or he is looking for before a choice is made between academic degree courses like B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and professional degree courses, like B.Tech., BCA, BBA, MBBS, BDS. B.Arch. Popularity of professional courses lately is enormous. A professional course will help you attain your practical skills and will make you job-ready at its completion. Professional degree courses also take a student closer to the real-world scenario by placing her or him face to face with the competition that securing a job entails in the grossly critical times we are living in.

There has been a visibly rapid growth in Healthcare industry in India, and the demand for health care professionals is multiplying with each passing moment. This massive growth in this industry has come up with a lot of opportunities in hospitals, Healthcare NGOs & allied fields like- Health insurances, Hospital accreditation jobs.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has struck us and the economy has been hit really hard with the country going under lockdown and the consistent scare of the virus spreading without any substantive cure as of now. However, this same crisis has ushered in an unprecedented rise in the demand of healthcare professionals throughout the country.

BBA in HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT is one of the most popular undergraduate degree courses to make a great career in the field of healthcare. The course duration is of 3 years which is divided into 6 semesters. It consists subjects such as Medical Terminology, Medical Record Sciences, Epidemiology, Support & Utility services of a Hospital, Hospital Planning, Quality Management in Hospital & Healthcare Facilities. The course curriculum has an industry orientation with a plethora of possibilities and opportunities where you learn exactly what the market demands. We all know that the mastering of English Language has become a must in these times and is of utmost importance for the students who wish to work in the industry. So keeping that in mind, During this course, you’ll have an opportunity to enhance your English, grooming and professionalism which will be the part of course curriculum. The course includes hospital internship where the students get an opportunity to undertake on-the-job training which will in turn make them industry-ready.

On the successful completion of BBA in (HM), a student will be able to choose from varied career options in various fields like hospital management or administration, Healthcare NGO, Quality Consultancies for Hospital Accreditation, Health Insurance, etc. The degree being BBA in HM, the students get an added advantage of the fact that they are eligible for Healthcare sector jobs besides jobs related to Business Administration. BBA in (HM) students are also eligible for government positions like Facility Manager. Incase a student wishes to pursue higher studies; they can apply for Masters in Hospital Administration for post- graduation.  The course is comparatively new and has wide opportunities in healthcare sector.

In the last decade, many hospitals like- Tata Medical Centre, Ohio Hospital, New branches of Sankara Nethralaya, Disha Eye Care, Bhagirathi Neotia has come up with a huge requirement for Hospital Management degree holders and many new hospitals are expected to launch in next few years.

For an aspirant of this course, this degree would play a key role in setting up a sound academic base for an advanced career in healthcare sector. Any student who has completed 10+2 from a recognized Board irrespective of any discipline are eligible to apply for BBA in HM. Opportunities are hard to come by keeping in mind the difficult times we are living in. The experience of enrolling in one of the best institutes for Hospital Management in West Bengal is an opportunity indeed that comes with great placements at the end of the course. Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology and Management (popularly known as DAITM), has emerged deservingly to be among the top colleges to offer the lucrative three-year-course on Hospital Management. It comes with numerous points of advantages especially designed for the students like brilliant academic ambience, dedicated and driven faculty and increasingly impressive student placements once the academic course is over after the stipulated time. When it is about your career, you should choose only the best. So come, shape and nourish your career and life at DAITM. For further query and career guidance, visit

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